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Branding isn’t just a marketing function, it’s a strategic asset that can influence everything from customer loyalty to employee engagement. […]
Digital business cards are taking the market by storm. How can you choose your vendor? See this list of the 11 best providers.
What is information security (infosec)? Information security or infosec is a set of policies and practices that an organisation undertakes in order to protect the information of its users, customers, or employees. An important part of this responsibility is...
Our corporate past: 2019. It’s week three at your new job. You arrive at your desk to a new box of business cards - countless fresh-cut cards so sharp that they are slightly shedding from the edges. You pull out a card from the stack and see your name, emblazoned below your company’s logo. It's […]
"I particularly loved it - as a Brazilian all I want to do is to save the planet. This was a great idea to cut our paper usage and CO2 emissions. It's also easier to have a permanent card on my phone than carrying boxes of cards around" - Amanda, Office Manager